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Trout Lake Claims

  • 8 March 2020

5 Claims, 81 Hectares (adjacent claims are available)

Located in a remote area of northwest Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, the site is accessed by foot approximately 800 metres from a good gravel road. It is all on Provincial Crown Property. The 5 claims contain all of the known mineralized showing trenched by INCO (now owned by Vale) in the mid 1980’s, which tested a large gossanous horizon, however no outcrop appears to have been reached, though no report was filed. Mineralization consists mainly of net-textured pyrrhotite containing disseminations of pentlandite, cobaltite and chalcopyrite all contained within an ultra-mafic to mafic intrusion, known to host nickel and platinum group mineralization in outcrops throughout the world.

Two world class Ni deposits serve as excellent models for the Trout Lakes showing: Alexo near Timmons, Ontario, Canada and Kambalda in Australia, both exhibit a zone of low grade, net-textured ore overlying massive ore zones in peridotite. Sampling by G. DeMont of DNR in 1994 produced anomalous values in numerous elements and 1163 ppm for nickel. Sampling by the author returned values of 1380 ppm Ni, 797 ppm Cu and 375 ppm Co. Ground EM surveys show a response 750 metres long and 200 metres wide. This site has not been tested below 10 metres depth and no testing for platinum group metals is known to have been done.