Berliner Strasse 14
Bavaria / Germany

[contact-form-7 id=”2545″ title=”SBI Contact Form”]

Legal Note

  • 4 September 2020

This website is provided by SBI Sons of Bavaria Investment AG (hereafter referred to as SBI). It is under the editorial responsibility of the data protection officer, Mr. Hans-Werner Kummerow. The data protection officer can be reached via the company SBI, Berliner Strasse 14, 91717 Wassertruedingen, Germany.  By e-mail: By phone: + 49 160 59 55 910.

This offer is directed only to commercial customers and within the group of business customers only to metalworking companies that have their headquarters in a member state of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as EU) as of May 1, 2018 (28 member countries) and to whom a VAT identification number has been assigned by their National Tax Authority.
This VAT registration number (hereafter referred to as UID) is electronically stored by us for the purpose of the proper conduct of business in connection with the company name and the registered office. The company SBI has the German UID: DE303990479. Responsible for any questions about the UID of the company SBI is the Federal Central Tax Office, 66738 Saarlouis, Germany.

Our internet offer is made on condition that European or national authorities within the EU, trade associations, judicial bodies or competitive companies raise no objections within the first twelve months of the first publication of our websites. In the event that any objections should be raised, we kindly ask you to send these objections to our data protection officer. Legally binding for the assessment of possible objections is the German version only. If our internet offer is made available in other languages, these are legally non-binding, voluntary services of our company.

In the case of objections concerning our offer in Germany, we hereby declare that we will promptly examine all objections. As far as according to the result of our legal review the objections are rightly raised, we hereby grant immediate remedy.
In the event of objections relating to the territory and the legal system of other member states of the EU outside Germany, we reserve the right to block the use of our websites for metalworking companies located in this EU member state, unless the objections are not obviously incorrect or are malicious.

SBI complies with the EU and Perth Mint, Perth, Australia Anti-Money Laundering Directives and reserves the right to report suspicious payments to the relevant regulatory authorities.
SBI complies with OECD recommendations to avoid cash payments to Central African supply sources suspected of supplying raw materials by exploiting child labor, forced labor or other forms of slave labor by workers, under threat of armed force or other unlawful coercive measures, or in violation against existing national legislation.

SBI supports the efforts to achieve transparency in the conclusion of agreements on the exploration, extraction and concentration of raw materials and observes the national laws in the supplier countries. All employees of SBI are prohibited contractually from accepting bribes or offering them themselves.
All our business partners are politely requested to immediately notify our Privacy Officer of any breaches of the prohibition on the receipt of black money, the prohibition of payments to suspected sources of supply or the requirement of transparency.

To the extent we refer to trade names or trademarks on our website that are not our own, they are listed below: London Metal Exchange (LME), Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange, Perth Mint, JORC (Joint Ore Reserves Committee), BMW, Openchain, Toronto Stock Exchange, ASX Australian Stock Exchange, Ernst & Young.

Insofar as we offer links to external websites on our website, we exclude any responsibility for the content of these websites. The use of our web pages is at your own risk.